QIAGEN N.V. is a company organized under the laws of the Netherlands and is listed on NYSE and in the Prime Standard Segment of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange in Germany. As such, the Company is subject to laws, rules and regulations including such of the Netherlands, the United States of America and Germany.
QIAGEN has always placed the highest standards on its corporate governance principles. Since 1997, QIAGEN has endorsed the recommendations of the Dutch Corporate Governance Code. It is the Company’s policy to follow the guidelines for good practice of Corporate Governance as described in this Code, although some minor deviations may result from effects such as legal requirements imposed on QIAGEN or industry standards.
We further follow the requirements for the Audit Committee as recommended by the German Corporate Governance Code
QIAGEN also is subject to the rules regarding corporate governance set by NYSE, where the Company's shares are listed.
For further information regarding filings, rules and regulations please also refer to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, the Authority of Financial Markets in the Netherlands and the Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht in Germany.